• Do you constantly feel like you are behind? That looming voice in the back of your head or the one that keeps you up at night? Do you hear it? We have all experienced it… the procrastination phenomenon.

    We have all experienced it, the procrastination phenomenon. We know what we want and believe we really want it.

    We know what we want and believe we really want it. We squander our free time or even our family time, putting off the important things we know we need to do to move our businesses forward.

    We squander our free time or even our family time, putting off the important things we know we need to do to move our businesses forward.Afterward we are frustrated… feel like we are constantly behind and feel like we can never get off the hamster wheel.

    Afterward we are frustrated, feel like we are constantly behind, and feel like we can never get off the hamster wheel.


    The science of physics recognizes two laws of inertia, both of which can be related to procrastination.

    1. “Standing objects tend to remain stationary”
    2. “Moving objects tend to stay in motion.”

    Which one represents you best? And how can you go from “standing” to “moving”?

    All of this keeps us from reaching greater levels of success. It actually helps create the feeling like we are stuck. And stuck stinks.


    1. GET CLEAR

    Be clear about the goal you desire to achieve and WHY you want to achieve it.


    Break it down into bite sized pieces. Then keep breaking it down until you feel you can easily take action and accomplish it. Pretty soon, if you keep breaking it down, you will feel like it is so simple, you might as well just do it now.


    You would not throw out a beautiful flower that was struggling to grow. You would change he environment so it could grow.

    What could you change in your work space that would bring you more clarity, excitement to work, or creativity?

    Maybe play your favorite tunes, give it a fresh coat of paint, or take it outside. I love to work on my patio with the fresh air, flower, and my little fur babies playing around me. When a butterfly floats by it is just an extra bonus and reminder that anything including me and my business can be transformed awhile in metamorphism to greatness.


    Set a timeline to complete your project then break your project into smaller time allotments with benchmarks. Be sure to celebrate the small wins along the way. Not only will you progress, but you will create momentum that will become unstoppable.


    Resist the procrastination pot holes on your journey. Turn off your notifications and instead work intentionally without distraction. Each time you lose focus. You take minutes out of your efficiency.


    On individual sticky notes, write out the important activities that you have on hold, putting off, or that you have been delaying. Only one activity per sticky note.

    Set your timer for 5 minutes and list out the things “you were going to do tomorrow”. Each day at 2 of them to your to-do list, or as I fondly call it, my tah-dah list because I love to celebrate when I accomplish things. I joyfully say “Tah-Dah” as I cross an item off my list.

    You may also want to set another timer for 5 minutes and take your sticky notes and put them into categories of:

    • Do now (urgent),
    • Do (important),
    • Delegate (If someone can do it 80% as good as you can, you have no business doing it. Save your time for the things that only you can do and the things that require your voice),
    • Do later (not important but you think if you had extra time you might want to try these things).


    Transfer your energy. Put the energy you have been directing toward creating and living into your excuses and avoiding the activity to working on one item, right now! Action eliminates anxiety and activity assonates the strongholds of fear. The only way to destroy fear and anxiety is to take action. What is the one thing you will do, right now to get the “big mo” of momentum rolling.


    If you really are stuck, I know it stinks. Many times it is the starting that is stopping us. If getting started is the hard part for you, set aside a designated time slot, at least 30 minutes, for work specifically on one task, project or personal goal that you’ve been “leaving until later.”

    Picking a designated time to work on your list, even in small increments of 15- 30 minutes will make a huge difference. If you need to, enlist a buddy to help you stay on track.


    Set up an accountability measure with someone that cares about your success. Check in with them daily for a progress report and celebration. You can do this through text, but speak voice to voice at least once a week.

    Be sure to set an appointment and even an alarm in your phone so you don’t forget.


    Stop trying to be perfect. Your preoccupation for perfectionism will bog you down. Know that quality of effort is all that is required, not perfect results.

    Now, imagine how good you are going to feel when your project is done. Hold on to this. Use this or the image of the culmination of your activity to walk across

    Use this or the image of the culmination of your activity to walk across stage at your national conference or whatever would represent success for you, and hold on to it.

    Use it to help you get going when you don’t feel like it.

    Use it to inspire yourself and others.


    Have you heard about the secret weapon for direct sellers? It is like the Bible for direct sales. Check it out. We have added more tools, more months (from August 2017 through the end of December 2018) and we are going to send it to you printed and bound! All you have to do is use it!

    Get ready to have your business revolutionized from the Master Your Business Faster Planner!!

    Here’s to your success!