• Want more bookings in your business?  Today I want to share 3 sure ways to get your calendar filled with bookings.

    Post on Facebook:

    There are people that you are friends with that want to book parties with you RIGHT NOW! Then, why are they not on your calendar? You just haven’t created a great enough need for your product, in their opinion.

    Now… please don’t go and start spamming everyone on Facebook with ad after ad or desperate begging on your timeline or business page.

    Instead of this unproductive vomiting of information and harassment, come from a place of service and post before and afters if that works you’re your product line, or post – “What’s your biggest “skin” challenge?” (if you sell skincare) or “What’s your biggest “meal time” challenge?” (if you sell food items or items for meal prep), “What’s your biggest challenge with accessorizing your wardrobe?” (if you sell jewelry), or “What’s your biggest “cleaning” challenge? (if you sell cleaning products).

    Basically what you are doing is having them identify a problem that you can solve with your product.

    When your people start to respond, private message them and start a chat with them about how you can solve their problem with your product and how it is unique or would serve them better than what they are currently doing or using.

    Offer to set an appointment with them and a few of their friends that also experience this same issue… and Tah-dah!  You have booked a party… and were not offensive!!

    Find a vendor event:

    Don’t make the mistake most direct sellers do when they schedule a vendor event… and focus your attention on selling product.

    Your main objective from every vendor event should be to book parties.  After all,  this is where you will see the biggest return on investment and infuse your business with new leads from those attending the vendor event, and their friends and family that you will meet at their parties.

    If you want long term success in your business, you have got to be booking parties.  Maximize your time and influence by selling to many (like a party) vs. selling one on one.

    I am a master at vendor events and want you to be too, so grab your digital download called “Extraordinary Success to Vendor Events”, where I have done everything for you, including awesome downloadable tools to help you book more parties!

    Texting for bookings:

    I hate to say it, my friend… but for the most part, the days of exclusively using the phone for bookings are dead! You’ve got to incorporate texting.  Let me share with you why.

    First, they have a 100% open rate, you’ve got to look at them or the notification will be there FOREVER.

    Secondly, we are all just too stinkin’ busy as people today.  Most people feel like they don’t have time to talk on the phone and you might be interrupting them. With a text, they can respond when it’s convenient for them.

    Why not send a text to EVERY ONE of your PAST HOSTS and CUSTOMERS offering them a BONUS for booking a party with you in the next 2-3 weeks.  You can have it be the same bonus gift… or hand pick something you know they would love to sweeten the deal for them!