• Today I want to share some fun and amazing tips to fill your calendar to have the BEST October EVER in your direct selling business.

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    IPA Calendar GraphicIncome producing activities are the life blood for ANY business. However, many people believe they ARE focusing on income producing activities when really….they are just BUSY. Being busy does NOT always create more income. It is similar to running on a hamster wheel. Checking off all your daily tasks is great but, did you simply consume your time with “stuff” to do like clean the office, check your email, or surf Facebook? OR did you move your business forward towards building a fabulous income?

    The Income Producing Activities Calendar is YOUR SECRET WEAPON for success! It includes:

    • Monthly Observances to Spark Ideas for Prospecting and Doing Intentional Business with adding in the fun factor with creative ideas.
    • Daily and Weekly Income Producing Activities list
    • Monthly focus for goals setting and reflection
    • January- December 2014

    Starting any day with a game plan of what we’ll accomplish will point us in the right direction. Starting the entire YEAR with a game plan….is a recipe for success!

    Value: $197

    Price: $37

    SALE: $18.50

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