• Ever wonder how to craft an awesome opportunity call?

    This is one of the best ways to share your story and connect with others that might be interested in joining you and your company.

    First thing, be sure you are compliant to your company’s policies and procedures.  As a word of caution. Stay away from income and product claims.

    Tools Needed

    You can do this via zoom or webinar jam or even google hangout for smaller numbers and get “face to face” with people.

    Or if you are more comfortable with working from a script at first you might want to get a free conference line.  I prefer to use freeconferencecallhd.com. You can record right from this platform and you will have a replay link to share for future use.

    Your Story

    Open the call with a warm welcome and then tell your story (the very short version).


    Because we know that facts tell and stories sell.  It is vitally important that you get good at sharing your personal business story.  In a nutshell it is going to share what you were doing before you found your business, what it is doing for you, and doing it in a way that your audience can really identify with.

    The great thing about having this in your tool box is that you can multi-purpose it at meetings, parties, events, your business launch events and grand openings, as well as on your calls.

    Here are questions to ask yourself to help you formulate your story:
    – Who are you?  What is your background?
    – Why were you looking for opportunity or something more (or less) in your life?
    – How did you find your business?
    – Why did you join?
    – What results have you seen or hope to see?  How are you more fulfilled?
    – What has excited you most or do you love most?
    – What will this business do for you and your family in the future?

    Company’s Story

    Next share about your company’s story:
    – Share the benefits of your company and what sets it apart that would be attractive to your prospect.
    – Share why people love your products (with the market potential… Not just ingredients.)
    – Share why your business model and pay plan is so strong… And how you make money.  Don’t take for granted that they know that you make money.  Don’t give income claims, but how the extra income and perks could benefit their life.
    – Help them dream and live into their dream.


    Next share why your business, why with you, why now?

    Lastly,  you want to make sure you go for the close by inviting them to join you.

    If you have a special offer now would be the time to throw that out there to create some urgency.

    Be sure to tell them exactly what to do next.

    You can also open up the call for Q & A if you like.

    Make sure that you record it and share it.

    A great thing to do would be to share these with your team and they can do the same, then your team will have many stories to  share with prospects that could relate specifically to your prospect.

    Make it a great week!

    If you like, join me on Mondays at 8:30 am central time for our Bible study and prayer call.

    Happy Recruiting!!