• Spring Clean Your Direct Sales Business

  • Since Spring is here, it might be a great time to also clean up your business, as you may have given up on your New Year’s resolutions and “familiar” habits or just the “same old same old” of your kit has cluttered your profitability and productivity, and you may not even see it.

    I have 4 areas to help you Spring clean your direct sales business today.

    1. Your Words

    What are you saying about your business?

    Do you use words that are positive or are you saying that no one wants to do business with you?  Are you saying “I” or “we”?  Is it a focus of you or team?  Is the focus of your invite to do business with you, whether it is to take advantage of your business or host opportunity, or on the customer?  You may want to shift your focus from you to your customer’s needs and desires.

    2. Your Listening Skills

    Are you trying to sell your clients?

    No one wants to be sold to.  Put yourself in their position and remove all of the obstacles from buying or hosting.  Don’t focus on why your product is best.  It does not matter how great your product is if your customer is not interested in it.   It does not matter how hard you try to sell it, you won’t close the deal.  How do you solve this?  This is a relationship business.  Ask the right questions.  Be interested in them as a person. Discover everything you need to know about them and make them love you so much that they want to share you, how you serve them, and your product with all of their friends.

    3. Your Focus

    Are you serving your customers so well they are staying with you?

    Are you laser focused on finding new customers to such a degree that you are ignoring and not caring for your current clients?  You worked hard to get them.  What are you doing to keep them?  Don’t you want customers for a lifetime?  I do!  Create a transformational experience for them and continue to care for them so it is transformational and not just transactional.  Keep in mind, that your customers and hosts gave you far more than just their money… they gave you their trust.  Trust is a greater currency than money, any day, when it comes to customer care and relationships.

    4. Your Kit

    Does it need cleaned and refreshed?

    Lastly… give your kit a refresher.  Add Spring color, fabrics, silk flowers or a bit of décor after giving everything a thorough cleaning.

    Here’s to your refreshed and revived Spring business!


    Hi Becky. I enjoyed this article and have watched several of your videos what I struggle with the most is how to keep my prospects and customers organized. I do most of my business on my iPhone so a spreadsheet doesn't work for me. Do you have any advice there.


    Hi Becky. I enjoyed this article and have watched several of your videos what I struggle with the most is how to keep my prospects and customers organized. I do most of my business on my iPhone so a spreadsheet doesn't work for me. Do you have any advice there.


    Hi Becky. I enjoyed this article and have watched several of your videos what I struggle with the most is how to keep my prospects and customers organized. I do most of my business on my iPhone so a spreadsheet doesn't work for me. Do you have any advice there.
