• Have you wanted to set a large goal for yourself but are afraid to even give it the time and energy to create the plan to achieve it?   I know that I did.

    Every achievement starts as an idea.  That idea then becomes a theory. That theory then becomes a fact… yielding an achievement.  This process is the result of the highest form of positive thinking.

    There is a creative form of energy and it manifests itself as our imagination.  When activated, it is able to build clear and vivid images.  When we dream, our minds are filled with illogical thoughts like floating on a cloud or being outside in a bathing suit while it is snowing and not feeling cold. When building an idea, we need to not concern ourselves with the “How”.  First we build the image and then the “How” will reveal itself to us.  We want to keep our mind free of clutter so we can build this picture in color – be able to use our senses to bring it to reality.

    Now that we have the image, we have to commit to being able and willing to create this. This is where we stretch our comfort zone and move beyond the limits of our belief system.  This is where doubts try to infiltrate our minds creating fear and then ultimately we give up on our dreams.  Questioning how is pointless as you couldn’t possibly know how since you have never done this before so let the need to know go and continue to focus on the image.

    Once the commitment is set and you are willing and able to move forward, the idea moves into the next phase of the process and turns into a goal.  From here the image is moved to the subconscious mind as emotions form and attach to the idea turning it into physical form.

    The idea and you begin to merge and your vibrations change, causing behaviors to change. These changes start an attraction force that builds your awareness of the opportunities that always were there but are now visible and in line with your goal.  Through faith and a belief in this idea, you have moved what was once a dream into a reality.

    What dream do you hold for your business?  Is it walking across the stage at National conference, earning a trip or car, or being number one in your company?

    What is a good mentor?

    A mentor is someone that will push you to reach your full potential and has walked the way… before you.  They help you make informed decisions about your business and/or financial goals.  The right mentor will act as a sounding board, be your voice of reason, hold you accountable, and continually raise the bar.  They will fight for your dream right along side you… and won’t give up on it… even if you feel like giving up.

    We’re like plants.  A plant must grow, or it dies.  A plant always grows away from where it is  toward sun.

    The sun is like a mentor.  We use its resources and continually grow toward it.  Although we will never be just like the sun, we learn and grow from our mentor and become a leader in our own way.
    A mentor empowers you to be the best version of yourself as you live out your purpose and into your dream.

    Finding one of my mentors…

    I remember when I found my mentor, John Maxwell.  I was just starting out in my business and attended a company sponsored team meeting and the VP of our company, someone I still admire greatly really touched my heart when he shared a message from John Maxwell and then later sent me the book for being a topper in the company push week contest. I actually didn’t even know who he was at the time.  At first, I wasn’t able to relate to much of anything in the book.  I had so much growth I needed to do, and didn’t even realize it.  Then, I kept wanting to know more from John Maxwell, because it made sense, was simple, and I knew he had been places in his personal growth that I desired. Everything I read and every course I took with him, I felt as if he created his message just for me.   I was ready to hear it.  His mentorship changed my life. I also had a coach, someone that had walked the walk in direct sales. I wished that somehow… they could have been the same person. The impact that would have been!

    Finding your mentors

    When starting out in my business, my mentor was from afar.  A mentor doesn’t have to be someone you become friends with and interact with on a daily basis.  A mentor is simply someone you can learn and grow from.

    Keep Growing

    Even though you may be learning from someone from afar, the right mentor will help you grow in so many ways.  However, today I want to personally invite you to you’re your dream a reality and to have some personal attention from me… as your mentor. The great news is that I am also a coach… and have walked both roads before to build a crazy successful business and have helped thousands of others do exactly the same!

    Join me this week for a free webinar on Empowerment Mentoring for Direct Sellers.

    I don’t know when I will do this again so don’t say I’ll wait till another time or next year…
    If you miss out on this, you are going to be bummed… and what would another year look like? Another year of trying to figure everything out in your business the hard way, having it be harder and take longer than it should. That is time you could be with your family, your kids, your spouse, building your business faster and stronger. It’s a day, a week, a month, a year… you will never get back.

    Join me for a free webinar this week! It’s Tuesday night. Put it in your calendar now… set an alarm. After all… it’s free! What do you have to lose?

    Next… forward this to Everyone, yes… EVERYONE you know in Direct Sales. They will be glad you did… and so will you!

    Keep reaching toward the sun and finding ways to continually grow and develop into the person you are meant to be.

    Here’s to your dream… and I hope to see you on the webinar on Tuesday!
    Oh… one last thing, be sure to sign up for our affiliate program below as well. I pay you cold hard cash for connecting your direct sales friends! Yep… another win/ win.
    Take care! See you on the webinar!