• I’ve just had the most amazing couple of weeks around leadership.  Hey, by the way, did you catch the leadership webinar that we did this week?

    I put together a really awesome webinar for you to have the ability to lift the cap that might be on your leadership right now, as well as to maximize your leadership.

    Plus I shared all kinds of leadership training ideas and hopefully you have a chance to watch that.  If not I’m going to encourage you to do that right away.

    But what I want to share with you is how to be more of an intentional leader, how to be more profitable as a leader and then how to lead your team to be more active, excited, empowered and to thrive.  As well as how you can become a leader of leaders.

    My mentor John Maxwell says that everything, absolutely everything rises and falls on leadership.  Well, how do you know if you need to raise the cap on your leadership or decide that you do want to grow as a leader?

    Have you ever felt like somebody was kind of keeping you down in your leadership? Or maybe that you need to grow in order to be able to feel like you could lead better to the people that are following you? Or maybe you find yourself as an accidental leader or even perhaps a leader that maybe doesn’t have the proper support whether it’s from your up line or from those you care about most?

    There are a few ways that you can recognize the need to be able to lift your leadership cap.  Maybe you find yourself feeling, you know like, “I’m stuck and being stuck stinks!”.  Or maybe so you feel like you’re stressed out or no matter what you do it’s never enough.  These are good indicators that maybe you need to lift the cap that might be holding your leadership down.

    You might also feeling this way if you feel like you don’t have enough time or if you feel like you don’t have a life.  Keep in mind that if you want to do more, you’ve gotta be more.  So, I want to encourage you to be more.

    If you want to have a better golf game, what do you do?  You stop playing with your friends and you start playing with the pros, right?  Or seek out better players to play with.

    Same thing goes with your leadership.  Who are you hanging around with?  Do you want to become a better leader?  Then, you’ve got to be hanging around with people that have a higher cap on their leadership.

    You know leadership is about not about position or title.  It’s really about connecting, serving, and adding value to other people and living a principle centered life.

    How are you measuring up so far?

    Do you feel like you’re connected and you really add value to the people that you meet – through time, energy, maybe holding their belief for them?  What about listening or trusting?  These are key things that you can do to really upcap your leadership and really take it to the next level.

    Keep in mind that leadership is the most important skill that can propel you into your future.  Everything rises and falls on leadership and it starts with you.

    You’ve got to make sure that you keep these things in two things in mind – that that you’re motivating and that you’re coaching and mentoring.

    Those are two different things – mentoring means you’re a step ahead and coaching is taking people from where they are now to where they desire to be, through asking curious questions and then empowering them for action and accountability.

    Also make sure you’re leading by example and make sure that you’ve got your team involved.  Teamwork makes the dream work and you’ve got to be connected to your vision.  All you need to do is take their vision, connect it to your vision and that powerful.

    I hope these leadership tips are helpful for you and your organization.  Be sure to watch the webinar and I let me know what you think.  Also, make sure that you entered the contest!  We’re giving away a signed book, “How Successful People Think” by John Maxwell.  I’ve enjoyed being with you again this weekend.  Let me know how I can help support you in your leadership journey.